SCALAR CITY – The State Supreme Court announced Thursday that all guns legally adopted and registered in the United States will now reserve the same rights and protections as a legally adopted pet. This comes just one week after the historical ruling that striped women and other birthing individuals of their federal protections on abortion.
When asked to comment on the new ruling and its impact on county residents, Councilman Terry McGrivich repeatedly tried to duck away from reporters. McGrivich later expressed support for the ruling, claiming that the supreme court’s recent decisions are major wins that promise both national growth and safety. “We need more guns and more children in today’s society,” McGrivich said.
McGrivich who has long been a vocal supporter of the anti-abortion movement had most recently expressed deep discontent in the local gun usage rates. According to ex-staffers, McGrivich had been ‘so obsessed’ with 2nd amendment protections, so much so that he almost made it a key part of his unsuccessful bid for the Mayorship last summer.
Unsurprisingly, since gun freedom itself was less popular among city voters at the time of his campaign, McGrivich generally avoided the topic in public. Today marks a transformation in McGrivich’s public opinion. “The supreme court’s ruling in favor of gun protections reinforces what I have always believed,” he said.
“Guns, like every other pet in this country, deserve the right to exist and be treated fairly. I am happy that the supreme court acknowledges this fact today. Because of this, I am proud of where our country is going,” said McGrivich.
Following the news from the national court, city residents and pets alike took to city hall to protest the decision. Although many constituents do not share McGrivich’s sentiment, a few were clearly there to celebrate.
Written by Amanda Joe
Original photography by Izzet Çakallı via pexels.com
Last Updated: May 15, 2023