Plantains are the perfect pets most people never realize they need. Plantains are cute, quiet, non-destructive and they listen to anything you have to say. Even more, they listen without judging you or clapping back. It also goes without saying that they can very well keep a secret.
For most owners, however, the main disappointment that comes with adopting pet plantains is their unfortunately short lifespan. Although it takes a few months to mature into adoptable puppy plantains, once they are green and about ready to join a family, it only takes a couple of days to mature from youth to old age. This is usually the period where owners have to decide if they will eat their plantains or let them rot––hence the popular saying, “eat your plantains or let them rot, the rot’s always the eating”.
Tunde Aidan is a writer and plantain enthusiasts known for his groundbreaking work as a plantain whisperer.
Original photography by Alexis Lozano via pexels.com
Last Updated: March 2, 2023