Leading the fight against the ongoing covid-19 pandemic, Astrochemophysicist Elon Matthew Alwaysright will attempt to re-route a nearby asteroid in effort to raise ‘anti-viral’ dust cloud on impact.
The asteroid which has been named after the country’s president is a large mass of rock, methane, and fire. Although the last attempt to raise a dust cloud was during the Mesozoic Era, Alwaysright believes we must do anything to make things right.
“It is not enough to sit, wait, and expect our world to end on its own accord.” Says Alwaysright, “We must do what it takes to make sure we are in control. Even if it means taking extraordinary steps.”
Most scientists of the day agree with Alwaysright. Others say he is crazy for making such a proposition. One such opposition to Alwaysright is Dr. Ally Frostly of CramlyLabs. Frostly suggests the better option is to “wait it out and see who survives”. Frostly argues that the longer a virus exists, the less damage it will do over time.
Supporters of Frostly’s theory agree that provoking a virus by fighting it is usually never a good idea. For reference, many recall the Moody Virus from just 900 days ago that almost wiped out the Oak tree population in the Northern region. “It’s a weird scale to balance” says Abby Mackinsey, a Time and Travel expert and long-time Frostly supporter. “Yes, we want to avoid repeating mistakes of the past, yet, we must also avoid setting off less desirable events to come.”
Outside of scientific differences, Alwaysritght, Mackinsey and other Frostly supporters currently agree that the larger problem in the current situation is not just whether or not we should take action against the virus. The consensus is that whatever we do, we must do it as a people.
“At the end of days, we want to stand before the supreme council and know that every significant decision we made, we made it together” says Alwaysright.